Special thanks
There are a lot of people I need to thank...
While there's only been one guy (me) working on this project full-time to design and build these prototypes, a lot of people have graciously given their time to help when I ran to them begging.
Here's a list of the people I need to thank (in alphabetical order):
Asher - Thank you for your help when I was just getting started, and for sharing your engineering knowledge with me when I got stuck
BCG colleagues - Thank you to all my former BCG colleagues who taught me everything I know, and have encouraged and supported me throughout this project
Ben - For convincing me not to give up and being a great sounding board for my ideas
Boyang - For your help with all things control-systems and general guidance
Dad - For your help over the years, and for teaching me so much of what I know
Derek - For your help when I needed it, and filming skills when time was running short
Dustin - For your wise words of wisdom and ability to drill straight to the important stuff
Erik - For all those late night CAD tutorials and parts
Francis - For helping me understand how quadcopters work and rigging up those crazy electronics and servos
Gabriel - For being a sounding board and your constant desire to help me in any way you could
Keith - For fantastic sketches for what the FlytCycle could become
Kevin - For being a good friend during difficult times and being a guinea pig (aka test pilot)
Mom - Thank you for being supportive of my craziness, and for not getting mad when my prototypes malfunctioned and made those holes in your ceiling...
Moses - For all your help navigating the patent process
Neighbors - For not calling the police and putting up with my noise
Noel - For helping me whenever I needed an extra person - be it epoxying ducts or taking my contraption to the airport to break in an engine
Peter Griffin (seriously, that's his name, he's my best friend) - For your friendship over the years to keep me sane, and the constant advice you provide as my main sounding board
Robert - For being a test pilot and helping me with various tech-related issues over the years
Rachael - For your friendship, support, and encouragement over the years
Sergei - For your willingness to help me test crazy flying machines, even during your vacation
Tony - For teaching me how to make a gas engine work
Xi-Lin - For your help dragging the Mark I to the airport
Yuri - For your support when the going got tough, and not being afraid to be there when I turned it on for the first time
I'm grateful to all of you - thank you from the bottom of my heart