Flyt Supply Drone

Size counts, but sometimes, bigger is not better. We at Flyt feel that when it comes to the modernization of our Military forces, being stealthy does not always have to come at a prohibitive price. Our mid-sized utility chassis is just such a flyer. With a 300 pound (135kg) lifting capacity, the supply drone is a perfect fit for a number of smaller tasks; especially when used as a “swarm”. In Swarm mode, our supply drone flies in tandem with a number of similar drones carrying their portion of the directed payload. In this way, were a single drone to not make it to its destination, only that portion of the payload would be missing. While the limited carrying capacity might, in some cases, be a drawback, it is a benefit in others. Whether operated remotely or autonomously, the Flyt Supply Drone is a low flying, low profile drone designed for quiet operation in limited ceiling theaters.

Flyt - Cargo Platform

Flyt - Cargo Platform

This mid-sized platform creates a modular surface for attaching and detaching cargo quickly. With rotor nacelles that fold up for transit, this flyer can easily be moved close to the action with minimal effort.